Current Ministries at Calvary
Children’s MinistryThis ministry is tailored to teach and nurture children from pre-school to 5th grade. Age appropriate materials are used to teach the children Bible truths in a loving and caring atmosphere. Teachers and helpers are screened and trained in preparation for service with the children. Contact the church office for further information or if you are interested in becoming a Children’s Ministry teacher or helper.
Worship MinistryThis ministry provides worship at each Sunday service, Wednesday nights and special events. Rehearsal practice required to participate. Speak to a Worship Leader for more info.
Food PantryThis ministry provides food on an emergency as needed basis to needy individuals and families. Contact church office.
BreakAway Youth GroupThis ministry is designed to meet the challenges facing young adults in today’s world from middle school through high school. Youth are taught the Word of God in such a way that they are equipped and enabled to walk with Jesus and live for Jesus as His witnesses and disciples in the challenging world our youth face each day. Many activities are planned for them such as swim parties, barbecues, youth retreats, concerts and other activities geared to the interests of youth. Contact the church office for further information.
Cleaning MinistryThis ministry is responsible for cleaning the church facilities on a weekly basis in preparation for Sunday services. Volunteers welcome. Contact the church office if interested in volunteering.
Women of the WordThis ministry is designed to minister to the needs of women through an in – depth study of the Word together.